Lysomale Speichererkankung

Der Skorpion

Morbus Fabry

M. Fabry ist eine X-chromosomal vererbte lysosomale Speichererkrankung, die auf der Defizienz des Enzyms Alpha-Galaktosidase A beruht. Diese führt zu einer Akkumulation von Globotriaosyl-Ceramid (Gb3) in den Zellen verschiedener Organe. Das klinische Bild des M. Fabry ist sehr heterogen und reicht von leichten Verläufen eher bei heterozygoten Frauen bis zu schweren Verläufen bei klassisch betroffenen Männern. Charakteristische Symptome sind Akroparästhesien, kardiale Symptome einhergehend mit einer Kardiomyopathie und Arrhythmien, eine progrediente Niereninsuffizienz und zerebro-vaskuläre Komplikationen (Schlaganfälle). Eine typische Augenmanifestation ist die Cornea verticillata. Therapeutisch stehen aktuell 3 Medikamente zur Verfügung: Enzymersatztherapien mit Agalsidase alfa oder Agalsidase beta oder eine Chaperontherapie mit Migalastat. Migalastat ist jedoch nur für Patienten mit bestimmten Genmutationen geeignet.

Morbus Fabry | SphinCS - Clinical Science for LSD

Synonym: Fabry-Anderson-Krankheit
Ätiologie: Defizienz der alfa-Galaktosidase A
Gen: GLA-Gen
Vererbungsmodus: X-Chromosomal


  • Akroparästhesien
  • Kardiomyopathie, Arrhythmien
  • Proteinurie, Niereninsuffizienz
  • Schlaganfälle
  • Angiokeratome
  • Cornea verticillata


  • Messung der Aktivität der alfa-Galaktosidase A (Cave: Aktivität der alfa-Galaktosidase A kann beim weiblichen Geschlecht normal sein) im Blut
  • Molekulargenetische Analyse des GLA-Gens


  • Agalsidase alfa (Replagal®)
  • Agalsidase beta (Fabrazyme®)
  • Migalastat (Galafold®): nur für Patienten mit bestimmten Genmutationen

Aktuelle Studien

M. Fabry
Eine multizentrische, doppelblinde, randomisierte, placebo-kontrollierte ParallelgruppenStudie zur Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit der oralen LucerastatMonotherapie bei erwachsenen Patienten mit Fabry-Krankheit.

> 18 Jahre

Status Aktiv

Patientenaufnahme abgeschlossen

Institution SphinCS GmbH

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Morbus Fabry Selbsthilfegruppe e.V.

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Beck.M, C.Whybra, and J.Kriegsmann

Morbus Fabry - Aktuelle Therapeutische Perspektiven

Beck, M., C. Whybra, K. Wendrich, A. Gal, and M. Ries

Anderson-Fabry Disease in Children and Adolescents

Ries, M., K. Wendrich, C. Whybra, C. Kampmann, A. Gal, and M. Beck

Angiokeratoma and Pain, but Not Fabry's Disease: Considerations for Differential Diagnosis

Wendrich, K., C. Whybra, M. Ries, A. Gal, and M. Beck

Neurological Manifestation of Fabry Disease in Females

Whybra, C., C. Kampmann, I. Willers, J. Davies, B. Winchester, J. Kriegsmann, K. Bruhl, A. Gal, S. Bunge, and M. Beck

Anderson-Fabry Disease: Clinical Manifestations of Disease in Female Heterozygotes

Whybra, C., K. Wendrich, M. Ries, A. Gal, and M. Beck

Clinical Manifestation in Female Fabry Disease Patients

Beck, M

Agalsidase Alfa--a Preparation for Enzyme Replacement Therapy in Anderson-Fabry Disease

Kampmann, C., F. Baehner, M. Ries, and M. Beck

Cardiac Involvement in Anderson-Fabry Disease

Kampmann, C., F. Baehner, C. Whybra, C. Martin, C. M. Wiethoff, M. Ries, A. Gal, and M. Beck

Cardiac Manifestations of Anderson-Fabry Disease in Heterozygous Females

Kampmann, Ch., M. Ries, F. Baehner, K.S. Kim, M. Bajbouj, and M. Beck

nfluence of Enzyme Replacement Therapy (Ert) on Anderson Fabry Disease Associated Hypertrophic Infiltrative Cardiomyopathy (Hic)

Kampmann, C., C. Whybra, F. Baehner, and M. Beck

Enzyme Replacement Therapy in Anderson-Fabry Cardiomyopathy

Kampmann, C., C. M. Wiethoff, A. Perrot, M. Beck, R. Dietz, and K. J. Osterziel

The Heart in Anderson Fabry Disease

Perrot, A., K. J. Osterziel, M. Beck, R. Dietz, and C. Kampmann

Fabry Disease: Focus on Cardiac Manifestations and Molecular Mechanisms

Baehner, F., C. Kampmann, C. Whybra, E. Miebach, C. M. Wiethoff, and M. Beck

Enzyme Replacement Therapy in Heterozygous Females with Fabry Disease: Results of a Phase Iiib Study

Beck, M.

Fabry Disease: New Clinical Research--Current Therapeutic Perspectives

Beck, M.

Fabry Disease - a Progressive Multisystemic Lysosomal Storage Disorder

Beck, M., R. Ricci, U. Widmer, F. Dehout, A. G. de Lorenzo, C. Kampmann, A. Linhart, G. Sunder-Plassmann, G. Houge, U. Ramaswami, A. Gal, and A. Mehta

Fabry Disease: Overall Effects of Agalsidase Alfa Treatment

Mehta, A., R. Ricci, U. Widmer, F. Dehout, A. Garcia de Lorenzo, C. Kampmann, A. Linhart, G. Sunder-Plassmann, M. Ries, and M. Beck

Fabry Disease Defined: Baseline Clinical Manifestations of 366 Patients in the Fabry Outcome Survey

Whybra, C., C. Kampmann, F. Krummenauer, M. Ries, E. Mengel, E. Miebach, F. Baehner, K. Kim, M. Bajbouj, A. Schwarting, A. Gal, and M. Beck

The Mainz Severity Score Index: A New Instrument for Quantifying the Anderson-Fabry Disease Phenotype, and the Response of Patients to Enzyme Replacement Therapy

Fellgiebel, A., M. J. Muller, M. Mazanek, K. Baron, M. Beck, and P. Stoeter

White Matter Lesion Severity in Male and Female Patients with Fabry Disease

Hoffmann, B., A. Garcia de Lorenzo, A. Mehta, M. Beck, U. Widmer, R. Ricci, and F. O. S. European Investigators

Effects of Enzyme Replacement Therapy on Pain and Health Related Quality of Life in Patients with Fabry Disease: Data from Fos (Fabry Outcome Survey)

Kampmann, C., F. A. Baehner, C. Whybra, M. Bajbouj, K. Baron, M. Knuf, C. M. Wiethoff, H. Trubel, and M. Beck.

The Right Ventricle in Fabry Disease

Kleinert, J., F. Dehout, A. Schwarting, A. G. de Lorenzo, R. Ricci, C. Kampmann, M. Beck, U. Ramaswami, A. Linhart, A. Gal, G. Houge, U. Widmer, A. Mehta, and G. Sunder-Plassmann.

Anemia Is a New Complication in Fabry Disease: Data from the Fabry Outcome Survey

Kleinert, J., F. Dehout, A. Schwarting, A. G. de Lorenzo, R. Ricci, C. Kampmann, M. Beck, U. Ramaswami, A. Linhart, A. Gal, G. Houge, U. Widmer, A. Mehta, and G. Sunder-Plassmann.

Anemia Is a New Complication in Fabry Disease: Data from the Fabry Outcome Survey

ukacs, Z., A. Keil, A. Kohlschutter, M. Beck, and E. Mengel.

The Ratio of Alpha-Galactosidase to Beta-Glucuronidase Activities in Dried Blood for the Identification of Female Fabry Disease Patients

Muller, M. J., K. M. Muller, A. Dascalescu, C. Whybra, K. Baron, A. Scheurich, K. Mann, M. Beck, L. G. Schmidt, and A. Fellgiebel.

Psychiatrische Und Neuropsychologische Auffälligkeiten Bei Patienten Mit Morbus Fabry: Literaturübersicht

Schafer, E., K. Baron, U. Widmer, P. Deegan, H. P. Neumann, G. Sunder-Plassmann, J. O. Johansson, C. Whybra, M. Ries, G. M. Pastores, A. Mehta, M. Beck, and A. Gal.

Thirty-Four Novel Mutations of the Gla Gene in 121 Patients with Fabry Disease

Wendt, S., C. Whybra, C. Kampmann, E. Teichmann, and M. Beck.

Successful Pregnancy Outcome in a Patient with Fabry Disease Receiving Enzyme Replacement Therapy with Agalsidase Alfa

Deegan, P. B., A. F. Baehner, M. A. Barba Romero, D. A. Hughes, C. Kampmann, M. Beck, and F. O. S. Investigators European.

Natural History of Fabry Disease in Females in the Fabry Outcome Survey

Fellgiebel, A., M. Mazanek, C. Whybra, M. Beck, R. Hartung, K. M. Muller, A. Scheurich, P. R. Dellani, P. Stoeter, and M. J. Muller-

Pattern of Microstructural Brain Tissue Alterations in Fabry Disease : A Diffusion-Tensor Imaging Study

Hajioff, D., S. Hegemann, G. Conti, M. Beck, G. Sunder-Plassmann, U. Widmer, A. Mehta, and A. Keilmann.

Agalsidase Alpha and Hearing in Fabry Disease: Data from the Fabry Outcome Survey

Hegemann, S., D. Hajioff, G. Conti, M. Beck, G. Sunder-Plassmann, U. Widmer, A. Mehta, and A. Keilmann.

Hearing Loss in Fabry Disease: Data from the Fabry Outcome Survey

Kleinert, J., F. Dehout, A. Schwarting, A. G. de Lorenzo, R. Ricci, C. Kampmann, M. Beck, U. Ramaswami, A. Linhart, A. Gal, G. Houge, U. Widmer, A. Mehta, and G. Sunder-Plassmann.

Prevalence of Uncontrolled Hypertension in Patients with Fabry Disease

Lidove, O., U. Ramaswami, R. Jaussaud, F. Barbey, T. Maisonobe, C. Caillaud, M. Beck, G. Sunder-Plassmann, A. Linhart, A. Mehta, and F. O. S. European investigators.

Hyperhidrosis: A New and Often Early Symptom in Fabry Disease. International Experience and Data from the Fabry Outcome Survey

Muller, M. J., A. Fellgiebel, A. Scheurich, C. Whybra, M. Beck, and K. M. Muller.

Recurrent Brief Depression in a Female Patient with Fabry Disease

Nill, M., M. J. Muller, M. Beck, P. Stoeter, and A. Fellgiebel.

Pathophysiological Aspects of Brain Structural Disturbances in Patients with Fabry Disease: Literature Review

Ramaswami, U., C. Whybra, R. Parini, G. Pintos-Morell, A. Mehta, G. Sunder-Plassmann, U. Widmer, M. Beck, and F. O. S. European Investigators.

Clinical Manifestations of Fabry Disease in Children: Data from the Fabry Outcome Survey

Ries, M., J. T. Clarke, C. Whybra, M. Timmons, C. Robinson, B. L. Schlaggar, G. Pastores, Y. H. Lien, C. Kampmann, R. O. Brady, M. Beck, and R. Schiffmann-

Enzyme-Replacement Therapy with Agalsidase Alfa in Children with Fabry Disease

Safyan, R., C. Whybra, M. Beck, D. Elstein, and G. Altarescu

An Association Study of Inflammatory Cytokine Gene Polymorphisms in Fabry Disease

Schwarting, A., F. Dehout, S. Feriozzi, M. Beck, A. Mehta, G. Sunder-Plassmann, and F. O. S. Investigators European.

Enzyme Replacement Therapy and Renal Function in 201 Patients with Fabry Disease

Whybra, C., A. Schwarting, J. Kriegsmann, A. Gal, E. Mengel, C. Kampmann, F. Baehner, E. Schaefer, and M. Beck.

Iga Nephropathy in Two Adolescent Sisters Heterozygous for Fabry Disease

Albrecht, J., P. R. Dellani, M. J. Muller, I. Schermuly, M. Beck, P. Stoeter, A. Gerhard, and A. Fellgiebel.

Voxel Based Analyses of Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Fabry Disease

Beck, M.

New Therapeutic Options for Lysosomal Storage Disorders: Enzyme Replacement, Small Molecules and Gene Therapy

Cybulla, M., K. Walter, H. P. Neumann, U. Widmer, M. Scharer, G. Sunder-Plassmann, T. Jansen, A. Rolfs, and M. Beck.

Fabry Disease: Demographic Data since Introduction of Enzyme Replacement Therapy

Hoffmann, B., M. Beck, G. Sunder-Plassmann, W. Borsini, R. Ricci, A. Mehta, and F. O. S. European Investigators

Nature and Prevalence of Pain in Fabry Disease and Its Response to Enzyme Replacement Therapy--a Retrospective Analysis from the Fabry Outcome Survey

imberger, A., M. Beck, S. Delgado-Sanchez, and A. Keilmann.

Hearing Loss in Patients with Fabry Disease

Linhart, A., C. Kampmann, J. L. Zamorano, G. Sunder-Plassmann, M. Beck, A. Mehta, P. M. Elliott, and F. O. S. Investigators European.

Cardiac Manifestations of Anderson-Fabry Disease: Results from the International Fabry Outcome Survey

Lukacs, Z., R. Hartung, M. Beck, A. Keil, and E. Mengel.

Direct Comparison of Enzyme Measurements from Dried Blood and Leukocytes from Male and Female Fabry Disease Patients

Orteu, C. H., T. Jansen, O. Lidove, R. Jaussaud, D. A. Hughes, G. Pintos-Morell, U. Ramaswami, R. Parini, G. Sunder-Plassman, M. Beck, and A. B. Mehta.

Fabry Disease and the Skin: Data from Fos, the Fabry Outcome Survey

Ries, M., J. T. Clarke, C. Whybra, A. Mehta, K. S. Loveday, R. O. Brady, M. Beck, and R. Schiffmann-

Enzyme Replacement in Fabry Disease: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Agalsidase Alfa in Children and Adolescents

Sodi, A., A. S. Ioannidis, A. Mehta, C. Davey, M. Beck, and S.

Ocular Manifestations of Fabry's Disease: Data from the Fabry Outcome Survey

Altarescu, G., G. Chicco, C. Whybra, S. Delgado-Sanchez, N. Sharon, M. Beck, and D. Elstein.

Correlation between Interleukin-6 Promoter and C-Reactive Protein (Crp) Polymorphisms and Crp Levels with the Mainz Severity Score Index for Fabry Disease

Hoffmann. B, M. Beck, A. Rolfs, and H. P. Neumann.

Fabry Disease - Complex Clinical Picture, Simple Diagnosis Procedure, Causal Treatment

Kampmann, C., A. Linhart, F. Baehner, T. Palecek, C. M. Wiethoff, E. Miebach, C. Whybra, A. Gal, J. Bultas, and M. Beck.

Onset and Progression of the Anderson-Fabry Disease Related Cardiomyopathy

Kampmann, C., C. M. Wiethoff, C. Whybra, F. A. Baehner, E. Mengel, and M. Beck.

Cardiac Manifestations of Anderson-Fabry Disease in Children and Adolescents

Kampmann, C., C. M. Wiethoff, C. Whybra, F. A. Baehner, E. Mengel, and M. Beck.

Cardiac Manifestations of Anderson-Fabry Disease in Children and Adolescents

Mehta, A., M. Beck, C. Kampmann, A. Frustaci, D. P. Germain, G. M. Pastores, and G. Sunder-Plassmann.

Enzyme Replacement Therapy in Fabry Disease: Comparison of Agalsidase Alfa and Agalsidase Beta

Rohard, I., E. Schaefer, C. Kampmann, M. Beck, and A. Gal.

Association between Polymorphisms of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene (Nos3) and Left Posterior Wall Thickness (Lpwt) of the Heart in Fabry Disease

Teitcher, M., S. Weinerman, C. Whybra, M. Beck, N. Sharon, D. Elstein, and G. Altarescu. 

Genetic Polymorphisms of Vitamin D Receptor (Vdr) in Fabry Disease

Thomaidis, T. M. Relle, M. Golbas, Ch. Brochhausen, P. R. Galle, M. Beck, and A. Schwarting.

Downregulation of a-Galactosidase a Upregulates Cd77: Functional Impact for Fabry Nephropathy

Beck, M. 

Agalsidase Alfa for the Treatment of Fabry Disease: New Data on Clinical Efficacy and Safety

Fellgiebel, A., I. Keller, D. Marin, M. J. Muller, I. Schermuly, I. Yakushev, J. Albrecht, H. Bellhauser, M. Kinateder, M. Beck, and P. Stoeter.

Diagnostic Utility of Different Mri and Mr Angiography Measures in Fabry Disease

Kalkum, G., D. Macchiella, J. Reinke, H. Kolbl, and M. Beck.

Enzyme Replacement Therapy with Agalsidase Alfa in Pregnant Women with Fabry Disease

Mehta, A., M. Beck, P. Elliott, R. Giugliani, A. Linhart, G. Sunder-Plassmann, R. Schiffmann, F. Barbey, M. Ries, and J. T. Clarke

Enzyme Replacement Therapy with Agalsidase Alfa in Patients with Fabry's Disease: An Analysis of Registry Data

Mehta, A., J. T. Clarke, R. Giugliani, P. Elliott, A. Linhart, M. Beck, G. Sunder-Plassmann, and F. O. S. Investigators.

Natural Course of Fabry Disease: Changing Pattern of Causes of Death in Fos - Fabry Outcome Survey

Pintos-Morell, G. and M. Beck.

Fabry Disease in Children and the Effects of Enzyme Replacement Treatment

Thomaidis, T., M. Relle, J. Reinke, M. Beck, and A. Schwarting.

Effect of Enzyme Replacement Therapy (Ert) on Renal Function of Patients with Fabry's Disease

West, M., K. Nicholls, A. Mehta, J. T. Clarke, R. Steiner, M. Beck, B. A. Barshop, W. Rhead, R. Mensah, M. Ries, and R. Schiffmann.

Agalsidase Alfa and Kidney Dysfunction in Fabry Disease

Whybra, C., E. Miebach, E. Mengel, A. Gal, K. Baron, M. Beck, and C. Kampmann.

A 4-Year Study of the Efficacy and Tolerability of Enzyme Replacement Therapy with Agalsidase Alfa in 36 Women with Fabry Disease

Giannini, E. H., A. B. Mehta, M. J. Hilz, M. Beck, D. G. Bichet, R. O. Brady, M. West, D. P. Germain, C. Wanner, S. Waldek, J. T. Clarke, E. Mengel, J. M. Strotmann, D. G. Warnock, and A. Linhart.

A Validated Disease Severity Scoring System for Fabry Disease

Kruger, R., K. Bruns, S. Grunhage, H. Rossmann, J. Reinke, M. Beck, and K. J. Lackner. 

Determination of Globotriaosylceramide in Plasma and Urine by Mass Spectrometry

Mehta, A., M. Beck, F. Eyskens, C. Feliciani, I. Kantola, U. Ramaswami, A. Rolfs, A. Rivera, S. Waldek, and D.P. Germain.

Fabry Disease: A Review of Current Management Strategies

Shemesh, T., C. Whybra, S. Delgado-Sanchez, M. Beck, D. Elstein, and G. Altarescu.

Paraoxonase (Pon1) Gene Polymorphisms in Fabry Disease: Correlation with Renal Disease

Clarke, J. T., R. Giugliani, G. Sunder-Plassmann, P. M. Elliott, G. Pintos-Morell, E. Hernberg-Stahl, M. Malmenas, M. Beck, and F. O. S. Investigators.

Impact of Measures to Enhance the Value of Observational Surveys in Rare Diseases: The Fabry Outcome Survey (Fos)

Ramaswami, U., R. Parini, C. Kampmann, and M. Beck

Safety of Agalsidase Alfa in Patients with Fabry Disease under 7 Years

Schermuly, I., M. J. Muller, K. M. Muller, J. Albrecht, I. Keller, I. Yakushev, M. Beck, and A. Fellgiebel

Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Brain Structural Alterations in Fabry Disease

Gal, A., M. Beck, and B. Winchester.

Clinical Utility Gene Card For: Fabry Disease

Kruger, R., A. Tholey, T. Jakoby, R. Vogelsberger, R. Monnikes, H. Rossmann, M. Beck, and K. J. Lackner.

Quantification of the Fabry Marker Lysogb3 in Human Plasma by Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Ramaswami, U., R. Parini, G. Pintos-Morell, G. Kalkum, C. Kampmann, M. Beck, and F. O. S. Investigators

abry Disease in Children and Response to Enzyme Replacement Therapy: Results from the Fabry Outcome Survey

Ramaswami, U., D. E. Stull, R. Parini, G. Pintos-Morell, C. Whybra, G. Kalkum, M. Rohrbach, M. Raluy-Callado, M. Beck, W. H. Chen, I. Wiklund, and F. O. S. Investigators.

Measuring Patient Experiences in Fabry Disease: Validation of the Fabry-Specific Pediatric Health and Pain Questionnaire (Fphpq)

Beck, M., J. Gaedeke, P. Martus, N. Karabul, and A. Rolfs.

Home-Based Infusion Therapy--a Feasible Approach for Chronically Ill Patients? A New Path to Provide Superior Patient Care Exemplified for Fabry's Disease

Kampmann, C., G. Kalkum, M. Beck, and C. Whybra.

Successful Long-Term Enzyme Replacement Therapy in a Young Adult with Fabry Disease

Beck, M., D. Hughes, C. Kampmann, S. Larroque, A. Mehta, G. Pintos-Morell, U. Ramaswami, M. West, A. Wijatyk, R. Giugliani, and Group Fabry Outcome Survey Study.

Long-Term Effectiveness of Agalsidase Alfa Enzyme Replacement in Fabry Disease: A Fabry Outcome Survey Analysis

Kampmann, C., A. Perrin, and M. Beck.

Effectiveness of Agalsidase Alfa Enzyme Replacement in Fabry Disease: Cardiac Outcomes after 10 Years' Treatment

Lelieveld, I. M., A. Bottcher, J. B. Hennermann, M. Beck, and A. Fellgiebel.

Eight-Year Follow-up of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Brain Structural Changes in Fabry Disease

Lenders, M., N. Karabul, T. Duning, B. Schmitz, M. Schelleckes, R. Mesters, H. W. Hense, M. Beck, S. M. Brand, and E. Brand.

Thromboembolic Events in Fabry Disease and the Impact of Factor V Leiden

Pitz, S., G. Kalkum, L. Arash, N. Karabul, A. Sodi, S. Larroque, M. Beck, and A. Gal.

Ocular Signs Correlate Well with Disease Severity and Genotype in Fabry Disease

Giugliani, R. D. M. Niu, U. Ramaswami, M. West, D. Hughes, Ch. Kampmann, G. Pintos-Morell, K. Nicholls, J. M. Schenk, and M. Beck.

A 15-Year Perspective of the Fabry Outcome Survey

Kalkum, G., S. Pitz, N. Karabul, M. Beck, G. Pintos-Morell, R. Parini, M. Rohrbach, S. Bizjajeva, and U. Ramaswami

Paediatric Fabry Disease: Prognostic Significance of Ocular Changes for Disease Severity

Gal, A., M. Beck, W. Hoppner, and D. P. Germain.

Clinical Utility Gene Card For: Fabry Disease - Update 2016

Beck, M. and T. M. Cox.

Comment: Why Are Females with Fabry Disease Affected?

Ramaswami, U., M. Beck, D. Hughes, C. Kampmann, J. Botha, G. Pintos-Morell, M. L. West, D. M. Niu, K. Nicholls, R. Giugliani, and F. O. S. Study Group.

Cardio- Renal Outcomes with Long- Term Agalsidase Alfa Enzyme Replacement Therapy: A 10- Year Fabry Outcome Survey (Fos) Analysis


Moreno-Martinez, D., P. Aguiar, C. Auray-Blais, M. Beck, D. G. Bichet, A. Burlina, D. Cole, P. Elliott, U. Feldt-Rasmussen, S. Feriozzi, J. Fletcher, R. Giugliani, A. Jovanovic, C. Kampmann, M. Langeveld, O. Lidove, A. Linhart, M. Mauer, J. C. Moon, A. Muir, A. Nowak, J. P. Oliveira, A. Ortiz, G. Pintos-Morell, J. Politei, P. Rozenfeld, R. Schiffmann, E. Svarstad, A. S. Talbot, M. Thomas, C. Tondel, D. Warnock, M. L. West, and D. A. Hughes. 

Standardising Clinical Outcomes Measures for Adult Clinical Trials in Fabry Disease: A Global Delphi Consensus

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